The climate in Malta is warm and healthy.  There are no biting winds, fog, snow or frost.  Rain falls for only short periods and averages about 578 mm in a whole year.

Average temperature is 14.1° C in winter (Nov – Apr) and 32° C in summer (May – Oct).  The sun shines for an average of 6.46 hours each day in winter and 10.11 hours in summer.

The hottest period is from mid-July to mid-September.  The following table gives the monthly averages taken over a 30 year period for hours of bright sunshine, temperatures and rainfall (Source Malta Tourism Authority):


Month Sunshine Hrs Rainfall (mm) ° C Min     ° C Max Sea° C
January 5.46 90.1 15.1 9.5 14.5
February 6.36 60.8 15.3 9.3 14.5
March 7.33 44.7 16.5 10.2 14.5
April 8.46 24 18.8 11.9 16.1
May 9.99 8.9 23.1 15.1 18.4
June 11.23 3.8 27.4 18.6 21.1
July 12.15 0.9 30.2 21.2 24.5
August 11.36 8.8 30.6 21.8 25.6
September 9.00 40.4 27.8 20.4 25.0
October 7.22 123.6 23.8 17.2 22.2
November 6.5 76.8 20.0 13.9 19.5
December 5.2 100.2 16.6 11.1 16.7